ouattaras armys officer contredist him in IVORY COAST

Publié le par toure zeguen

In an interview on RFI, Lieutenant Sampayo (commander FRCI of Noe):


« I haven’t seen the attackers coming from Ghana »



For the Commander Sampayo, the same group of individuals who led the attacks Yopougon and camp Akouédo. (Ph DR)



Lieutenant Amadou Koné nicknamed Sampayo, the FRCI Commander of Noe was questioned Saturday, September 22, 2012, by our colleague Cyril Ben Simon, in the edition of 7: 30 pm (Africa morning) Radio France International (RFI). In his testimony, the commander based in the border area explains the facts as he has experienced it.


Lt Sampayo: On the night of Thursday to Friday, we were visited by unordinary people, assailants. But, as we knew that we were going to be attacked, we took our precausions. We let them come in and we closed behind them, then the fighting started. It was intense. It started at 1 :00 am and finished at 11 :00 am. On the attackers’ side, there were 5 dead and few arrests.


Rfi: And FRCI’s side?


Sampayo : On friends’ side, there were just an injured at the wrist.



RFI: Have you conducted round searches on Friday?


Lt Sampayo: Of course, it has helped us catch some attackers who have been denounced by the population.


RFI: Do you know who the attackers are?


Lt Sampayo : These are the ones who attacked Yopougon. It is those who attacked Akouédo. They are young. But I have not seen anything on them that can tell me that they are from a particular association or not, but I know that they are attackers. They had Kalashnikovs, RPG and that is.


Rfi: And how many were they?


Lt J Sampayo : I will not be able to give the exact number. But I think they were fifty.


RFI: Has the calm returned to Noe?


Lt Sampayo: Yes, calm has returned. People have began to go about their business.


RFI: Were the attackers coming from Ghana?


Lt Sampayo: That, I can not confirm. I have not seen them coming from Ghana.
















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